Policy Number: 2
The aim of the Conference and Seminar Attendance Policy for Council provides a consistent procedures for attendance at Conferences and Seminars/Workshops for members of Council and related expenditures.
Please see below for a list of Policies implemented by the Township of Southgate.
Conference and Seminar Attendance Policy for Council
Policy Number: 2
The aim of the Conference and Seminar Attendance Policy for Council provides a consistent procedures for attendance at Conferences and Seminars/Workshops for members of Council and related expenditures.
Donations, Funding, and Grants Policy
Policy Number:3
The aim of the Donations, Funding & Grants Policy is to set guidelines for dealing with requests for donation, funding and grants from individuals, groups and/or community organizations.
Policy Number:4
The aim of the Tax Collection Policy is to provide guidance for staff and a basis for decision making as well as to ensure equal treatment of taxpayers.
Policy Number: 5
The aim of the Purchasing Policy is to ensure and maintain the integrity of all purchasing processes, to obtain the best value for both the short and long-term expenditures of public funds for the Township of Southgate through acquiring quality and/or lifecycle value through an efficient and effective procurement process.
Personal Information Protection Policy
Policy Number:7
The aim of the Personal Information Protection Policy is to govern the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by the Township from and about employees of the Township or from other individuals who may access the Township's website.
Policy Number:8
The aim of the Hiring Policy is to provide a fair, consistent and equitable practice of recruiting employees when required by the Municipality from qualified internal and/or external applicants.
Council, Committee, and Local Boards Codes of Conduct Policy
Policy Number:9
The aim of the Council, Committee & Local Boards Code of Conduct is to establish a general standard to ensure that all Members share a common basis for acceptable conduct, and to which all Members are expected to adhere to and comply with.
Employee Code of Conduct Policy
Policy Number: 10
The aim of the Employee Code of Conduct Policy is to serve as a guide to the employees and to outline the responsibilities of the employee to uphold the basic principles of integrity, honesty, impartiality and common sense.
Recognition Certificates for Ratepayers Policy
Policy Number12
The aim of the Recognition Certificates for Ratepayers Policy is to provide information on receiving certificates of recognition for special occasions signed by the Mayor and the Clerk and sealed with the Township seal.
Accountability and Transparency Policy
Policy Number:13
The aim of the Accountability & Transparency Policy is to ensure that accountability, transparency and openness are acheived through the Township by adopting measures ensuring, to the best of its ability, that all activities and services are undertaken utilizing a process that is open and accessible.
Delegation of Authority Policy
Policy Number:14
The aim of the Delegation of Authority Policy is to set guidelines for the delegation of certain powers and duties. The efficient management of the Township and the need to respond to issues in a timely fashion requires Council to entrust certain powers and duties to committees and staff while concurrently maintaining accountability, which can be effectively accomplished through the delegation of legislative and administrative functions.
Policy Number: 15
The aim of the Public Notification Policy is to establish standards for the giving of reasonable notice to the Public. The Township of Southgate is committed to accountable and transparent governance through the provision of notice thereby enabling citizens to be aware of the business of the Municipality.
Policy Number: 20
The aim of the Anti-Idling Policy is to reduce energy consumption throughout the Township of Southgate when operating Township vehicles.
Council Member Compensation, Expenses, and Meeting Claims Guidance and Approval Policy
Policy Number: 21
The aim of the Council Member Compensation, Expenses & Meeting Claims Guidance & Approval Policy is to provide clear direction, expectations and guidelines to Council and staff regarding the remuneration process for members of Council.
Policy Number: 23
The aim of the Tile Drainage Loan Policy is to set procedures for staff to follow when a tile drain loan application is received from a resident and/or landowner in the Township.
Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (OWDCP) Policy
Policy Number: 24
The aim of the OWDCP Policy is to ensure that the delivery of the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Provincial Program is facilitated in a way that fulfills program requirements and consequently benefits members of the public that utilize Provincial programming.
Closed Meeting Policy and Procedures
Policy Number: 25
The aim of the Closed Meeting Policy & Procedures is to support the principles of open and accountable governance and to provide clarity when closed meetings are to be held and the processes to be followed.
Accessible Customer Service Policy
Policy Number: 27
The aim of the Accessible Customer Service Policy is to set guidelines to provide the Township's goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of all people.
Tangible Capital Assets Policy
Policy Number: 28
The aim of the Tangible Capital Assets Policy is set the guidelines for the record and management of tangible capital assets owned and acquired by the Township and in accordance with the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) requirements.
Policy Number: 29
The aim of the Highpoint Campground Policy is to set guidelines for members of the Public for the use of the Highpoint Campground and to help make your stay at the Campground pleasant, safe and memorable.
Policy Number: 30
The aim of the Facility Rental Policy is to provide guidelines for the rental of facilities owned and maintained by the Township according to the event descriptions and rental rates established by Council.
Alcohol Risk Management Policy
Policy Number: 31
The aim of the Alcohol Risk Management Policy is to provide measures designed to prevent alcohol related problems and increase the enjoyment of those who use the Township of Southgate facilities.
Policy Number: 32
The aim of the Affordable Recreation Policy is to provide guidelines for the development of introductory, universal and more affordable programs and services and for the development of partnerships and agreements that provide affordable access to recreation for low income families.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Policy Number: 33A
The aim of the Occupational Health & Safety Policy is to inform staff of the importance of health and safety in the workplace and of Southgate's commitment to ensure that our facilities are operated in a safe and healthy manner.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy - Harassment and Violence
Policy Number: 33B
The aim of the Occupational Health & Safety - Harassment & Violence Policy is to provide guidelines for situations in which employees, contractors and/or consultants are harassed or subjected to violence in the workplace from individuals who are not employees of the organization, such as customers and suppliers.
Dundalk Fire Department Health and Safety Policy
Policy Number: 34
The aim of the Dundalk Fire Department Health & Safety Policy is to provide guidelines for the prevention of accidents, injury and occupational illness.
Policy Number: 35
The aim of the Emergency Lodging Policy is to provide guidelines where emergency lodging may be required in the event of a Township wide Emergency and/or when the Township Emergency Plan is activated.
Policy Number: 36
The aim of the Use of Corporate Credit Cards Policy is to provide guidelines for the use and control of Township credit cards for the purpose of acquiring goods and/or services where it is a more efficient and cost effective method of purchase and payment.
Policy Number: 38
The aim of the Cellular Use Policy is to provide guidelines for the safe and cost effective use of all cellular devices in the workplace including the use of corporate smartphones and cellular devices outside of Canada and to provide clear direction on the use of cellular devices during working hours.
Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests Policy
Policy Number: 39
The aim of the Freedom of Information Requests Policy is to provide guidelines for individuals that have a right of access to general records held by the Municipality and records containing an individual's own personal information as per the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Policy Number: 40
The aim of the Cash Handling Policy is to provide clear direction to staff within all departments of the Township for the handling, safekeeping and depositing of cash and cash equivalents and to ensure the cash and cash equivalents are handled in a secure manner.
Policy Number: 42
The aim of the Secondary Providers Policy is to provide direction to secondary service providers of recreational programs and service delivery to ensure that our recreational programming is effective and sustainable.
Policy Number: 43
The aim of the Smoke and Vapour Free Policy is to eliminate the potential for exposure to secondhand smoke at Township recreation and open public spaces such as sport fields and entrance areas to public buildings.
Facility Maintenance and Inspection Policy
Policy Number: 44
The aim of the Facility Maintenance & Inspection Policy is to provide guidelines for the maintenance and inspection of all recreational facilities owned and operated by the Township and to ensure the quality of, and reduce hazards for recreational infrastructure.
Dundalk Fire Department Officers On-Call Weekend Policy
Policy Number: 45
The aim of the Officers On-Call Weekend Policy is to clearly define compensation for the officers of the Dundalk Fire Department to be on call and respond to any and all emergency dispatch calls for the Dundalk Fire Department.
Digital Media Customer Use Policy
Policy Number: 47
The aim of the Digital Media Customer Use Policy is to provide guidelines for customers that utilize the digital outlets that have been made available by the Township.
Policy Number: 48
The aim of the Social Media Use Policy is to encourage the safe, creative and effective use of social media by Township employees and to use social media for the communication of general Southgate information.
Surplus Assets Disposal Policy
Policy Number: 49
The aim of the Surplus Assets Disposal Policy is to provide clear and consistent processes for the disposal of all surplus assets in the Township and spell out the steps to follow when a decision has been made to trade in, sell or physically scrap and dispose of a surplus physical asset.
Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) Policy
Policy Number: 50
The aim of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy is to address how the Township achieves accessibility through meeting the regulation requirements and to provide overall strategic direction that the Township follows to provide accessibility support to Ontarians with disabilities.
Flag Protocol and Proclamation Policy
Policy Number: 51
The aim of the Flag Protocol and Proclamation Policy is to create a standard procedure for staff to follow to ensure that all flags are flown and displayed in a consistent manner at Township owned and operated facilities and provide a standard procedure for proclamation requests in the Township.
Electronic Sign Messaging Policy
Policy Number: 53
The aim of the Electronic Sign Messaging Policy is to provide staff with clear direction on the type of messaging that is permitted and displayed on electronic community outdoor messaging signs and video screens in public facilities.
Policy Number: 54
The aim of the Concussion Policy is to reduce sports concussions and increase awareness of traumatic brain injury during public and provided programs within the Township.
Policy Number: 55
The aim of the Volunteer Policy is to set out the principles and practice by which the Township involves volunteers.
Policy Number: 56
The aim of the Energy Policy & Plan is to commit to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gases by ensuring the efficient use of energy that will continue to be a priority within all municipal facilities.
Community Based Task Force Creation Policy
Policy Number: 57
The aim of the Community Based Task Force Creation Policy is to provide guidelines for the formation of a Community Based Working Group or Task Force to provide fact finding, expertise and perspective on issues where the municipality requires public process, involvement and feedback.
Road Occupancy and Encroachment Policy
Policy Number: 58
The aim of the Road Occupancy & Encroachment Policy is to control the construction and installation of any utility, structure or facility within the Township in order to regulate any changes made or impact in the short or long term, to the current road system and right of way.
Policy Number: 59
The aim of the Mailbox Policy is to provide transparency to Southgate residents on the requirements for mailboxes placed in the Right of Way of the road system.
Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) Attendance Policy
Policy Number: 60
The aim of the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) Attendance Policy is to provide direction on instances where the Township will defend a By-law or Official Plan Amendment at an LPAT Hearing.
Policy Number: 62
The aim of the Council Correspondence Policy is to cover all communications/correspondence received by the Township addressed to Council and/or any correspondence requested to be included on a Council agenda and to ensure that the communications are dealt with in an efficient and consistent manner.
Policy Number: 63
The aim of the Complaints Handling Policy is to provide a consistent and uniform process to respond to formal complaints received from members of the public and to enable the Township to promptly and effectively address program and service delivery concerns raised by members of the public pertaining to facilities, services, staff, programs and operational issues.
Meeting Video Recording Policy
Policy Number: 64
The aim of the Meeting Video Recording Policy is to provide for the ease of access and transparency of the legislative process by providing public availability of the video recordings held by the Township.
Appointment of Professional Services Policy
Policy Number: 65
The aim of the Appointment of Professional Services Policy is to provide direction for the utilization of professional services when their expertise is necessary or when there is workload that municipal staff cannot accommodate.
Policy Number: 67
The aim of the Chain of Office Policy is to establish guidelines and directives that will address the wearing, engraving, maintenance, and safekeeping of the Chain of Office.
Policy Number: 69
The aim of the Street Naming Policy is to to establish criteria for the naming of streets in the Township of Southgate, encouraging the use of street names of local significance.
Use of Corporate Resources during an Election Policy
Policy Number: 70
The aim of the Use of Corporate Resources during an Election Policy is to clarify that all municipal election Candidates, Members of Council, and Township Staff are required to follow the provisions of the Act with regard to the use of corporate resources for election purposes. The policy also ensures that the Township’s operations, events, and facilities are used for non-partisan purposes and are not used for election campaign related purposes/activities.
Municipal Elections Recount Policy
Policy Number: 71
The aim of the Municipal Elections Recount Policy is to outline the standards for the holding of recounts for elected positions.
Policy Number: 72
The aim of the Ball Park Rental Policy is to establish rental policies and procedures for the Township of Southgate’s Ball Parks.
Policy Number: 73
The aim of the Ice Rental Policy is to establish ice rental policies and procedures for the Dundalk and District Community Arena.
Policy Number: 74
The aim of the Email Management Policy is to ensure accountable and transparent records management practices relating to electronic mail and electronic messaging.
Policy Number: 75
The aim of the Information Governance Policy is to ensure accountable and transparent records management practices relating to all records created, received, maintained, or under the custody and control of the Township.
Council-Staff Relations Policy
Policy Number: 76
The aim of the Council-Staff Relations Policy is to promote a respectful, tolerant and harassment-free relationship and workplace between Members of Council and the officers and employees of the corporation, guided by the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, the Code of Conduct in the Municipal Employee Policy Manual, Respect in the Workplace (Harassment and Violence) Policy, and the Procedure By-law.
Pregnancy and Parental Leave for Members of Council Policy
Policy Number: 77
The aim of the Pregnancy & Parental Leave for Members of Council Policy is to provide guidance on how the Municipality addresses a Member’s pregnancy or parental leave in a manner that respects a Member’s statutory role as an elected representative.
Recreational Trails Development Policy
Policy Number: 78
The aim of the Recreational Trails Development Policy is to set guidelines for the development and implementation of Recreational Trails within the Township.
Policy Number: 79
The aim of the Asset Management Policy is to establish consistent standards and guidelines for management of the Township’s assets applying sound technical, social and economic principles that consider present and future needs of the community, and the service expected from the assets.
Policy Number: 80
The aim of the Building Disclosure Policy is to improve public access to records and information, as well as increase transparency. The policy establishes principles for the release of records and information of building related documents without having to file a freedom of information (FIO) request.
Policy Number: 81
The aim of the Charitable Donations Policy is to formalize the charitable donations receipts program, including accounting for donations of cash or in-kind made to the Township of Southgate or for flow through to its community partners. The Township of Southgate will issue official donation receipts that qualify as charitable donations. If requested, the Township will issue official receipts to donors for eligible donations with a net cash value or net fair market value of $20 or more.
Information Technology (IT) and Mobile Device Policy
Policy Number: 83
The aim of the Information Technology and Mobile Device Policy outlines the acceptable use of information systems and computing equipment at The Township of Southgate. These rules are in place to protect Council members, employees and the Township of Southgate. Inappropriate use exposes the Township of Southgate to risks including malware attacks, compromise of network systems and services, loss of confidential information, and legal issues.
Infection and Disease Control Policy
Policy Number: 84
The aim of the Infection and Disease Control Policy is to describe the policies and procedures for infection and disease control. This policy must be used in conjunction with all other applicable health and safety regulations and governing legislation.
Electronic Participation in Council, Committees, Public Meetings & Committee of Adjustment
Policy Number: 86
The purpose of the Electronic Participation Policy is to establish guidelines for electronic participation in Township Council, Committees of Council, Public Meetings and Committee of Adjustment in accordance with the Township Procedure By-law, Municipal Act, 2001, Bill 197, COVID Economic Recovery Act, 2020 and other governing regulations.
Policy Number: 89
The purpose of the Land Acknowledgement Policy is to demonstrate the recognition and respect for Indigenous peoples, both in the past and the present and the contributions they have made to our communities and the nation.
Special Public Event & Road Closure Policy
Policy Number: 91
The purpose of the Special Public Event & Road Closure Policy is to clearly define the responsibilities and procedures for anyone from the public applying for a Special Public Event or Road Closure in the Township of Southgate.
Policy Number: 92
The Purpose of the Disconnect from Work Policy is to help employees of Township of Southgate disconnect from work and achieve a healthy and sustainable work-life balance.
Policy Number: 93
The Purpose of the Electronic Monitoring Policy is to inform employees about the presence of any and all electronic monitoring software or equipment either in the workplace or contained on any of the Township’s devices. The Township values transparency and is committed to adhering to applicable legislation and regulations in relation to electronic monitoring in the workplace.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Policy
Policy Number: 95
The Township of Southgate is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and the community. The Township values and embraces diversity and inclusion in all areas.
This policy will guide us in our continued efforts to building an equitable, diverse and inclusive Township internally with staff and externally with the community. The intent is to ensure that all individuals and groups irrespective of their background and identity, are protected and feel safe, valued, empowered, and respected for their contributions to the shared purposes of the Township.
Policy Number: 97
The purpose of this policy is to provide a standard of care for the safety and well-being of children, youth, and vulnerable individuals accessing public spaces that are the responsibility of the Township, or who attend recreation programs offered by the Township. The policy is also to stress the importance of the Township’s commitment by providing clear guidelines and expectations, educating individuals, and outlining how abuse or suspected abuse can be reported to and addressed by the Township of Southgate.
Contact Us
Township of Southgate
185667 Grey County Road 9
Dundalk, Ontario N0C 1B0
Phone: 519-923-2110
Email: info@southgate.ca
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